Shooting Food Fight
a Super 16mm black & white short film. One week ago I got the final grading of a short – film I shot last December on Super 16mm before starting uni, Food Fight, and I thought that it could be interesting to share the whole process.I met Food Fight’s director,...

Diary of Cinematographer: Miguel Angel
Working with an Arri Alexa This week we meet 'Miguel Ángel', A spanish cinematographer who is working in Ireland. He has recently finished working on a period short film called 'Staccato' directed by 'Eoghan McQuinn' While studying Still Photography at University in...
Una Feely – Festival Co-Founder and Programmer.
This week we had the pleasure of chatting with Una Feely. Una co-founded IndieCork Festival in 2013, the only arts Co-Operative in Ireland. The festival focuses primarily on independent film, media and cross-platform arts. Her background is in programming and arts...

First Cut Youth Film Festival
Ireland’s Only Pop-Up Youth Film Festival! The First Cut! Youth Film Festival takes place in the beautiful seaside town of Youghal, Co. Cork later this month. It offers an exciting opportunity for young filmmakers, aged 12- 21 years, to gather together in a vibrant...
Interview with Rupert Maccarthy-Morrogh of Studio 5108
It has been a while since our last interview, so today we have something special - an interview with Rupert Maccarthy-Morrogh, DP, director and owner of Cork's own Studio 5108. Hi Rupert, and thanks for taking time to talk with us. First off the bat, can you tell us a...

A Chat With The Cork Screen Commissioner
We caught up with Niall Mahoney, the Cork Screen Commissioner for a chat about the work of the Cork Screen Commssion, and Niall's views on the film making industry in Cork. Can you give us an idea of the work of the Cork Screen Commission? The Screen Commission's...

Talking to a movie producer
[image_frame style="framed_shadow" align="left"]http://egomotion.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/amanda1-179x300.jpg[/image_frame] A Chat With A Cork Based Movie Producer Amanda Ferriter began working in Theatre Production in 2004. She has worked as a Production/ Stage...
Treekeeper on DVD & Bluray
The independent Irish feature film 'Tree Keeper' will be released by Southernman Films on DVD and Blu-ray on the 1st of November 2012 and as a HD Download on November 21st. The DVD, Blu-ray and HD Download will be available to buy directly from the Tree Keeper...

A Class Act!
A Conversation With Cork Based Actors This week we interviewed some local actors to get their take on the short film scene, and to find out what makes them tick. The actors we interviewed are: [image_frame style="framed_shadow" align="left" height="160"...

Paraic English, D.O.P. and Camera Operator
This week we interviewed one of the hardest working camera operator's and D.O.P.'s in Cork, Paraic English. Páraic has worked as DOP on dozens of films, including ‘Hungry Hickory’ (Short Film, Dir. Damien McCarthy) and ‘Penny’ (Short Film, Dir. Patrick O’Shea). He...

A Selfless Act
Winner of the Ford 8minutes Short Film Competition. Written by: Dan O'Connell & Frank Hurley Directed by: Dan O'Connell Starring: Frank Hurley & John Ryan Howard Director of Photography: Jason Keane Available to watch online now on the irish film boards...

A ‘Sound’ Man
New sound studio opens in Munster We interviewed Conor Barron of Half-Light Audio to find out about himself, his work and the sound studio he has opened in Cork city. Conor, tell us a little about yourself: Music and sound have always played a central role in my life,...

Filmmaking in Cork Part II
We interviewed some local independent filmmakers to find out what drives them, what barriers they need to overcome, and what they think of the filmmaking buzz which is currently gripping Cork. Click here to read the first part of the article The Interview: Part 2 6....

A Double Bill Premiere
Two new short films from Cork based directors to get their première in The Pavilion, Carey's Lane, Cork on the 23rd of May, 9pm. Cork based directors Dan O'Connell and Seán Breathnach from Egomotion, will première their latest short movies in The Pav on the 23rd of...

Filmmaking In Cork
Part 1 of 2 We interviewed some local independent filmmakers to find out what drives them, what barriers they need to overcome, and what they think of the filmmaking buzz which is currently gripping Cork. The people we interviewed were: MARK COGAN: Mark Cogan studied...

Twinkle Toes
UPDATE: Premier Date announced, Wenesday 23rd May, 9pm Pavilion, Cork. more info here... Twinkle Toes is egomotions latest offering, its a short about two girl's enduring friendship in times of darkness. Starring Mary-Louise McCarthy, Clara Harte, James Murray...

Letting Mr. Blue Sky In!
Our behind the scenes documentary about the organising of a flashmob event which took place in Cork City on Saturday Nov 14th 2009. Faturing rehearsal footage, interviews with organisers & choreographer and of course the full coverage of the event itself. Watch it...

Site relaunch
You may notice a few changes around the site! We are currently working on upgrading our blog and forum themes so the whole thing should tie in a bit better over the coming weeks, so please bare with us through this transition. Welcome to the new look egomotion,the...

Final Cut Pro X – a personal perspective.
Final Cut Pro X has gotten a lot of bad press recently, and to be honest Im still undecided myself about the huge switchover but decided to give it a bit of an unbiased review. CONS First off there are things i absolutely hate about FCP X, like the lack of viewer so...
Small Nuggets of News
Well , Few things ye may be interested in , Short and sweet 1 www.moviejunction.ie Corks very own state of the art Drive in movie theatre !! YaY . Anyone wanna go see Pulp Fiction on the 18th ? check out their website 2 The Jameson Dublin International Film Festival...
Corona Cork Film Festival 2010
Well, Sean actually checking in on the Blog , Wonders will never cease . Last Night I Got to have a look at the Made in Cork Shorts programme 1 . There was high Quality stuff there and (…)
New Blog Coming soon
Time to refresh, add a bit of sparkle and magic back to the egomotion site, time to update the galleries, screening room and overall site. Now i just gotta find the time...
Cork Cineclub Kicks off!
Hey everyone,Just letting ye all know there is a screening this Thursday (8th April 2010) night at 8pm, get there earlier as seats are limited. The nights feature is The Shout: Idyllic Devon locations. Hot, liquid afternoons; a game of cricket watched by 'mad' trees,...
Another Video from Cork, I'm just gonna keep making these till someone tells me to stop! Learning a lot in the process.. httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nLdJdF3hy0
Moments from Paddy’s Day 2010
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVn32-TxGU4 Just captured a few moments of Paddy's Day after the parade here in Cork City.
Alternative Miss Cork 2010
Egomotion were proud to witness this years Alternative Miss Cork and are currently working on putting the "full event coverage" from 5 cameras including backstage interviews on a dvd, here is a snippet of the night just to wet your appetite!...
The Frozen Lough
A new video featuring Cork's frozen Lough. Basically just some test footage of the new Canon Eos 7D, Slr Camera. But interesting all the same. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEbG23Zl3cg
Cork Film Centre Courses:
The Cork Film Centre is pleased to announce our ever popular Short Film Making and Documentary Making courses start the end of January. Introduction to Short Film Making - 10 week evening course (including two weekends) starting Thurs 28th Jan 7-10pm. A very practical...

Christmas Screener
Hello Again !! This year has certainly been a difficult one, especially for film. Recession, depression doom and gloom have dominated. In Cork however the trend was bucked and a great selection of top quality shorts were made. The standard in the Made in Cork Section...
talk at number ten
New short film, experimental stuff, just random shots of friends and family sitting and talking aroun the table in our kitchen at number ten. Very feelgood though! httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKbKw2wU3yY
Save the Kino
Go watch this film, now showing in the Kino - your local arthouse Cinema, which needs your support... httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG4AV6kLrKY Save the kino website: http://www.savethekino.com/
Mr Blue Sky Cork! Live Event Coverage
Cork Flashmob Rehearsal Footage
Shot this rehearsal footage last wednesday night for the lead up to this Saturdays (14th Nov) Flashmob in Cork. Will be filmming the actual event too so stay tuned for the rest! httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ_JHbwqilE
Enemies Trailer
New trailer from egomotion & bobalong productions, http://vimeo.com/7430690 You can also check ou the dedicated website for this film at www.enemiesthemovie.com
Save The Kino
Heres a link to an edited version of the Kino Meeting (15min approx) http://vimeo.com/7374366
Save the Kino:
Interview with Mick Hannigan: httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n02H5fX5FI4
Colin “Zombie film” made for £45
A British zombie film made for just £45 is to be released in cinemas across the country after finding a distributor. The flick, entitled Colin, was recorded on a camcorder and shot in Wales and London over 18 months by amateur filmmaker Marc Price. It has now been...
Final Cut Studio 3 Announced!
Apple updates Final Cut Studio with more than 100 new features Apple today announced a significant update to Final Cut Studio, offering more than 100 new features and new versions of Final Cut Pro, Motion, Soundtrack Pro, Color, and Compressor. Final Cut Pro 7 expands...
Signatures & Reality Bites Deadlines Announced
WANTED: Short Film Scripts for the SIGNATURES and REALITY BITES Schemes The deadlines for the Irish Film Board's flagship short film scheme SIGNATURES and the short documentary scheme REALITY BITES have been announced. Applications will now be accepted until Friday,...
Filmbase & Entertainment.ie re-enactment
It's here... Your time to shine. Entertainment.ie and Filmbase are offering you the chance to win some great prizes for doing something you love. All you have to do is send in a re-enactment of your favourite movie scene. It can be from any film and acted out in any...
egomotion: Screener and Meet n’Greet!
It's been a long time coming but we've finally managed to get off our backsides and hold a screening night! With a selection of private first time screenings including... Tom by Fiona O'Riordan Séan Le Sléan By Sean Breathnach 65 By Mark cogan Hatch by Damien McCarthy...

Empire 20th Birthday!
It’s Empire Magazine’s 20th anniversary. Empire magazine is probably the most popular film related magazine worldwide. One which I definately cannot go the month without. On sale from today is the 20th Anniverary edition, packed fulll of features, but most amazing of...
Cork Youth International Film Festival
Closing Date for Cork Youth International Film Festival Looms! Closing date for entries: 24th April 2009 The Cork Youth International Film & Video Festival, was established in 1980 to open doors of the world of film making to the young, especially those involved...
Mutant Shorts (adventures in filmmaking).
It's been a while since there was a Cork filmmaking event... Ever since the Kommando 24 hour contest ended, Thanks to Mutant Space and the Cork Mid Summer Festival there is one coming to town! Details are outlined below: Brief: We’re inviting groups of people to get...
Rock with Your Cork Out @ CIT Arts week !!
On the 24th of March The Short (27min) version of Rock with your Cork Out will be screened in the Rory Gallagher theatre in CIT as part of the events that evening kicking off at 6pm UPDATE: For bands and musicians in Cork, we have a special screening of this acclaimed...

Final Cut Studio Update Due in Late April?
Reports around the web at the moment have rumoured that Apple is planning to release an update to their Final Cut Studio professional video editing package in late April, around the time of the annual National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) conference in Las Vegas....
Serious Music Heads attend Cork Festival
Prominent music experts will visit Cork on Tuesday next, 24th March as part of Cork Arts Fest 2009. 2FM DJ, Dan Hegarty; Paul Linehan, Bass player and vocalist with Frank and Walters; Ian Wilson, 2FM producer responsible for launching the careers of countless...
Rock with your Cork out DVD goes on Sale!
Rock with your Cork out, the feature length documentary about the Cork Rock Scene goes on sale today at Plugd Records. Price: €15 The southern enclave of Ireland has long had the reputation for rebelliousness and when it comes to music we hate to disappoint. This...

Story land votes go live today!
For all of those budding filmmakers that applied to storyland for funding this year and got knocked back, you can now see the shorts that got through and vote. Many egomotion members had submitted ideas to storyland, which is a pilot web-isode scheme run by RTE, some...
IFB Short Shorts Deadline Announced
The Irish Film Board have announced the call for submissions for the next round of the Short Shorts scheme with a new deadline of Friday, May 8th, 2009. Successful short films will premiere at the Cork Film Festival in November. Short Shorts funds up to seven, 3-5...
Splanc Returns
The Arts Council, TG4 & The Irish Film Board For ten years the Splanc! documentary scheme jointly funded by TG4 and the Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon has funded many fine documentary films on the arts, and on making art in the Irish language. Splanc! 2009...
Cork Film Festival 2009 Dates announced
The Corona Cork Film Festival announces new dates for its 2009 event, moving two weeks from it’s traditional slot to November 1st to 8th 2009. International entries deadline is June 26th 2009 Irish entries deadline is July 31st 2009 Festival Director Mick Hannigan,...

140 – Global Twitter Film Project
Filmmakers of the world (and Twitter) Unite. 140 filmmakers from around the world will join together on Twitter for a very unique film project, of global proportions. Via Twitter we will converge from our respective cities around the world and await the signal. That...
Film themed pub quiz in the Crane Lane
Cork based company StormVids have recently teamed up with The Naomh ColmCille Youth Club to start ACTION - a new tv and film-making mentoring project where we are teaching the kids in Farranree to make films so they can adapt their award winning play, 'The Wrong Turn'...
Seán Le Sleán
Seán Le Sleán, the award winning documentary (Tuam 2008) on traditional turf cutting, by our very own Seán Breathnach, is to be shown at the Seachtain Na Gaeilge film fest - which is being shown in venues both nationwide, in London and New York. Seán Le Sleán tells...
Deadline for Frameworks Scheme Announced by IFB
The deadline for the short animation scheme – Frameworks - co funded by BSÉ/IFB, the Arts Council and RTÉ has been announced for Friday, April 24th. The Frameworks scheme is provided for the development and making of 6 animated short films per year with a budget of up...
egoblog launch
The egomotion blog has arrived! egomotion is a Cork based film-makers community that provides members with internet discussion groups and meeting points, personal networking opportunities, film making opportunities and an ever-growing database of local industry...