Forum Replies Created
the submission date is 18th may and it is open to uk and roi residents over 16. there are no set topics or guidelines besides the obvious fact it has to advertise doritos.
oisinmaccoilleMemberhave just sent you an email hope to hear from you soon
oisinmaccoilleMemberhi aaron.
my name is oisin and i’d love to become involved in this group my main focuses are directing and writing but i’m willing to try my hand at anythng to be honest. so if you can think of anything to keep me occupied i’d love to help out.Oisin
oisinmaccoilleMemberi don’t want to seem like its being shaped around me but the wednsday would suit me more
oisinmaccoilleMemberi’d love to be there on that weekend but i have a christening easter saturday night and on easter monday i have to move house so any other time would suit me to be honest.
oisinmaccoilleMemberwhat camera was this shot on quinny. have you shot on you kras yet???
oisinmaccoilleMemberi agree with quinny. you have to wait until second year to get a specialist class in scriptwriting. you do learn the very basic stuff in first year like layout and stuff.
that said i thoroughly enjoyed my time there like you i went in there wanting to be just a writer then i fell in love with directing so i would do it again if i had my time back.
oisinmaccoilleMember[quote:9ed38]Those that weren’t particularly interested in that project don’t really bother themselves with doing anything for it , writer gets annoyed and says "well I’m not working on anything for them " and it all falls apart .[/quote:9ed38]
i dont think this would happen i believe that people on the forum are mad to get movies made and it may even encourage others who are afraid to pitch their idea or even post it to gets together with a producer director and thus a creative partner ship is born. i also believe you miss took me on the whole funding idea sorry if i gave that impression what i was trying to get across was that the resources are in place to start making some fantastic films from word go but we need to be selective in the sense that everyone here has a few projects on the go at the same time and if we could direct that energy into making two or three great films a year it is not a bad start. i know not every one will agree with every selection but i think that people on this forum just wanna be involved in the film making process in anyway possible.
but like i said there are obvious holes in this plan that need to be sealed. the reason i posted it was because i looked around at some posts and saw that there are a few people ready to go into production on their piece and are asking for help.
even if they just pitch their idea at a future short screening some people don’t have access to all the scripts posted here so maybe we could do it that way to start with. plus like i said it would be invaluable experience to any one who has a script shortlisted for a grant or to be produced or something like that and also it might breed some creative patnerships.
are there any others here who feel a pitching session might benefit them in some way? for some it could just be for advice?
oisinmaccoilleMemberjust wondering if you hope to set up a club (for which i voted yes) how do we decide which films get made. What i propose is a pitching session on the night of future shorts.
That could be done as follows:
we allow no more than 5 entries per session
the producer or director or both speaks for five minuites about the merits of their movie and why it should be made.
these happens 1 at beginning of night before films are shown
2 at first interval
3 at second interval
ina a break down of 2-1-2
then people vote on the movies in order of preference of 1 to 3
those people with the highest votes go onto a second pitch session at the club meeting and the club selects the best two.
no one individual may pitch more than twice in a night.If we hold one pitching session per month at future shorts and then have the second session every second month that would give us 6 films for the club to choose from. that way egomotion are working on twelve films a year provisinally speaking which gives us a greater chance in terms of festivals funding etc.
its just an idea and like most of mine i’m sure is full of holes here and there. but the reality is this is how movies are picked in the industry and i feel would help people if they are looking for grants etc to get their film off the ground on their own steam.
It would also allow people the chance to work in different areas or maybe the club can allocate a a crew to reflect the best that egomotion has got.
Those selected films would then be showcased as egomotion films and people who have limited or no resources could get their film made with the help of ego motion. i feel that if the club is to be a success such a system would be imperative in terms of fairness alone and maybe we could start wensday night if you hope to have the first meeting in march.
again just my ponderings feel free to pick away at them.
oisinmaccoilleMember[quote:99976]how about setting up a small gig in the fitzgeralds park bandstand, that thing hasn’t been used in years, doestn even have to be real, or even just an interview there?[/quote:99976]
i shot a small scene up there a few years ago and no one came any where near me looking for permits or such,
oisinmaccoilleMember[quote:1ad22]Oisin O’Driscoll is a popular guy! Is he a member here? It’s not yourself – oisinmaccoille – is it? [/quote:1ad22]
no afraid not ” title=”Sad” />
oisinmaccoilleMemberthat package is now gone smiling sadly is now the proud owner of a krasnogorsk and super 8 projectors
oisinmaccoilleMemberit will also run standard if that helps
oisinmaccoilleMemberfree to a kind and caring home a krasnogorsk super16 camera and two not one but two super 8 projectors ( being made clear out because of new purchases)
surely someone will take them all in working order even just for decoration?
oisinmaccoilleMemberyou should get hector to play the plumber!!!!