TDC Showing od ‘Toilet Play’

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  • #2101

    You are invited to The Friday Showing of:
    ‘Toilet Play’
    Friday February 3rd at 6pm
    in The Theatre Development Centre, Tobin Street, Cork.

    The "Toilet Play" is structured around the ideas of seeing, not seeing, over hearing, hiding, social rules, the conflict of public and private space, questions of gender, love, secrets and the taboos that can hide in the public toilet. The play explores the relationship of love and the public toilet. Love in a public toilet is a bizarre idea a taboo even. What goes on in the toilets is taboo, what goes on in a relationship is also a taboo. This secrecy allows for intimacy, fear, acceptance, deviance and emotions. The distinction between public and private becomes blurry.

    Admission is free.
    Hope to see you there!

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