Sketch Troupe

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  • #1584

    Hi all.

    I’m brand new here but I was wondering if there is interest on the site for starting a comedy sketch troupe.

    I’ve been writing for a few years and have won a few competitions on the channel 4 website. Nothing huge really just script competitions and pitching a few ideas aswell. From reading the forum I can see that hanman had initially sent out a similar request. I’m not sure if anything happened with that. If so I’d love to get involved.

    I would say my infleunces are python, the simpsons, peter cook, spike milligan, graham linehan, the mighty boosh, flight of the conchords.

    I have some sketches on youtube if you would like to check them out. They are under my profile ‘MikeOtterfox’ and my brothers ‘robinsminstrel’. I would recommend ‘the legend of billy lampost’, dinner at gunpoint, the coveted car, ‘the f words’ and ‘wheres the milk’?

    I look forward to hearing from you. <img loading=” title=”Very Happy” />


    Welcome along Otterfox
    I have added you to the Red Carrot Comedy Group, you can now browse the Red Carrot Comedy group threads and find people with common interests in there, as well as the kinds of sketches they have put together.

    make sure and give hanman100 a shout when you get a chance and he’ll fill you in.

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