Short Film In Cork

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  • #1855

    Whats the craic?,

    I’ve finished writing a script with a friend and we’re looking to get it filmed hopefully in August. I just thought I’d join egomotion and ask if there’s anyone who’d like to get involved who has a camera (professional or close to it). I need to be able to take filmed material off it so if it has a USB port on the camera then that’d be great, or maybe even an SD card or whatever people use to transfer the data to a computer. I can’t pay anyone as it’s our first film but you will receive a credit and a finished copy of the film and hopefully it will be shown at Cork’s next Film Festival. So if theres cameramen/women who’d like to film this production with us then lemme know. The film is a comedy short (20-25 mins) set in Cork following two hapless, harmless scummers being caught up in a gang situation.


    Hey Spike, I’d be interested in helping out whether it’s with camera/lighting/editing. If you could pm the details or email them to me at I’ll have a look and we’ll see what we can do.

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