Position of MySpace Curator Up For grabs

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  • #887

    Are you a big Myspacer ?javascript:emoticon(‘:lol:’)
    We’ll be needing someone with vision, time and a handle on the Myspace scene to Curate the Myspace Site For Futureshortscork , If you are interested mail Me

    Dan will I’m Sure give a small hand providing background images and logo’s
    but it will be up to yoou to ensure it gets millions of good quality friends and helps make the Future Shorts nights a success.


    Sean :grin:


    I’d be able to do it, I’m always on Myspace.


    Nice one Doreen !!

    I’ll mail you some details.

    Unless anyone else wants to duel it out with Doreen ? Pistols at Dawn ( I warn you she’s an excellent shot !!)

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