Moviemaker required for the Rebel Pedal Parade! in Cork

about egomotion Forums Announcements My Project Moviemaker required for the Rebel Pedal Parade! in Cork

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  • #1038

    The Rebel Pedal Parade! is a big bicycle parade organised in Cork on Saturday the 22nd of September 2007 (Car Free Day). A bunch of cyclists (well, one hundred of cyclists at least!) will meet on Emmet Place at 11.30 am for a 40-minute procession throughout the city centre followed by a street festival (music, juggling, refreshments, free massages, face-painting, "pimp my bike" competition, etc.). There will be several crazy or vintage bicycles and Cork Circus Explosion is involved in the festivities so it will probably be a lively event for all and at the same time a playful way to promote cycling in Cork.

    I have seen this movie on Youtube about the Tour de Fat 2006 (US):

    My feeling is that it could be really grand to have something similar for the Rebel Pedal Parade!. However as I am not a moviemaker and don’t know anybody here in Cork who has skills in film making therefore I wonder if any visitor of this forum would be interested in attending the event and making a shortfilm.


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