Irish War of Independence reenactment in Elizabeth Fort

about egomotion Forums Announcements General Announcements Irish War of Independence reenactment in Elizabeth Fort

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  • #1688

    Next Sunday the Munster Military Vehicle and Reenactment Group have agin been contracted to do a major Irish War of Independence reenactment in Elizabeth Fort in Cork as part of the ongoing series of events in the fort .

    The event will be a 45 minute show of events set in the War of Independence period , tans , British soldiers , Auxillaries and our very own flying colum all involved in this big production , all in about 40 people involved in what promises to be a nother great show following the success of the last pike men 1798 gig two weeks ago .

    Kick off is about 2-30 pm on Sunday . This will be a loud and bloody campaign we hope again . Various articles and press releases will be in the paper during the week so keep an eye out again

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