Enemies – The Movie

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    Avatar photoSeanBreathnach

    Check it out <img loading=” title=”Smile” />



    Avatar photoSeanBreathnach

    Here’s the trailer, now online:




    great stuff – i want to see more!


    this looks fab, was hearing some great stuff about this around town during the week :wink:

    Avatar photoSeanBreathnach

    Thanks guys <img loading=” title=”Wink” />

    One of Val’s mates said: "very good, I think it was predicted by a monk in the 15th century that if they closed Beamish this would happen"

    I just had to put that comment up here!



    <img loading=” title=”Very Happy” />


    The destruction of Shandon is a real WOW moment. <img loading=” title=”Very Happy” /> Your not expecting to see it.

    "Show us that again" <img loading=” title=”Very Happy” />

    Avatar photoSeanBreathnach

    Dan wired up the building with explosives…. :shock:
    Then we had to go and rebuild it – they were the terms we got from the council <img loading=” title=”Smile” />



    yea so much red tae involved it was unbelievable,
    still at least we got permission in the end, so it goes to show really that you really don;t know till you ask! :wink:

    Just to let people know we are working on getting another version out soon, same trailer different cut, we just want to explore all the avenues with the footage we captured…


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