Busking in Cork

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    Rebelz Picturz is a new Cork company of film enthusiasts. We’ve made two short films together and now we are about to make a third on the subject of buskers in Cork. Its docu/drama style. We are calling all musicians/buskers to meet us outside Cork City Library at 2pm on Thursday 30th December if they interested in being in this short film. Bring instruments ready to perform.

    This is being made in association with Moving Image Cork.

    Email rsvpireland@gmail.com for more info.


    How did this go for ye ?


    Hey Sean, I really should check in here more often, only just saw your message. In answer, its going (post production) great in many ways but there is a long story. In that my heart and soul is completely involved in the creation of this film, and it has brought me to complete awareness of my passion for the creation of this art form; then it is fantastic. In that it has meant re-evaluating all my philosophies, and constantly being prepared to fight for them; it has been more than difficult. All in all, the blood and guts of creation is ultimately moving towards an excellent documentary. So not bad for first time. Right now I am looking for a new editor. Let me know if you know anyone. Just going to put up a post now.


    Good stuff Yvonne. Keep at it !!


    Glad to see so much enthusiasm!
    heres a short documentary we did on the cork rock scene a few years ago…


    you might find it interesting.


    Excellent, thanks for that, brilliant shots of the city too.

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