Borro Online Series Preview Now up!

about egomotion Forums Video Shares My Film Borro Online Series Preview Now up!

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  • #1273

    The preview for our online series Borro is now up. Check it out here – [url:5s4ctr6n][/url:5s4ctr6n]

    Vote it funny if you like it!

    Ta very much!


    Hi Canty,

    just watched ‘Borro’ – fair play I thought it was very good. Very nicely shot – some really nice angles and the quality looks great online. I like the way you think it’s going to be a serious piece of social commentary or something and then you realise it’s a piss-take. Really like the name too.

    The only piece of constructive criticism I’d make is that it is too long – the pace just seems a bit off – I’d re-edit and make it really tight – make it snappy and I think that will help the humor a lot.

    all the best,



    Well you’re certainly getting the hang of this. That was very nicely shot. Clear and crisp.

    What sort of camera are you using.


    Hey man
    As a fellow skit filmer I have to say that was unreal! really liked it, and great cinematography too!
    "I’m gonna paint a six pack on you and spit on it!" – floored me laughing. It was filmed outside the triskel no?
    Anyway, I’d be interested in workin with you eventually on some skits perhaps as we share a similar sense of humour in my opinion. The only vid i have on the net is this one, its a make-it-up-as-you-go-along improv thing called "The Curse Of The Diamond Crystal"…


    Hey thanks a million lads! The camera we used was the Sony HVR-Z1U HDV Camcorder, fantastic camera! Thanks for the advise Pados, I will look to do that in future. The previews been up online now two weeks now so there isn’t much point in changing it now. But cheers!

    Hey Rabies! (never thought I’d have to say that, glad it’s you and not the disease itself).

    I just finished watching "The Curse Of The Diamond Crystal". In fairness for improvisation it was quality, really well acted and the timing of the punchlines was spot on!

    "Aim for his fallopian tube", best line…haha!!

    You have our style of comedy nailed so I’d love to have you on board.

    Borro is going to be a series if you wanna get involved with that. We’ve the first episode written and we are re-working it tonight.

    What’s your msn add or your email?


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