[b:2e0mha4t]A Serving of Pinter[/b:2e0mha4t]
Monday 22nd August
Half Moon Theatre,
Cork Opera House, Half Moon Street, Cork.
[b:2e0mha4t]Looking for:
1 Woman, playing age 28-33. Attractive.
1 Boy, playing age 7.[/b:2e0mha4t]
A Serving of Pinter will be performed in;
[b:2e0mha4t]The Half Moon Theatre[/b:2e0mha4t], Cork from 26th September- October 1st
[b:2e0mha4t]The Forum, Waterford[/b:2e0mha4t] from 7th – 8th October.
Rehearsing between Monday 29th August – 26th of September.
Boy’s scene will be filmed so not required for the performance dates.
This is a profit share production.[/color:2e0mha4t]
Send CVs and Headshots to Eoin at