Re: The 10 worst movies of the last 10 years

about egomotion Forums Discussions Links The 10 worst movies of the last 10 years Re: The 10 worst movies of the last 10 years

"SeanBreathnach":12mjvijx wrote:
They say only a tiny percentage of scripts get funding, and still these films manage to get made! Crazy.[/quote:12mjvijx]

Yeah it’s ridiculous, there has to be better scripts out there. Although when it comes to comedy, I’m not sure that much good stuff is being produced anymore. I read this book recently by this guy called Syd Field..maybe ye’veheard of him?…nway he’s a writer but he also worked in Hollywood, sifting through scripts and choosing the best of the bunch. Lots of scripts are just left hanging in production or completely forgotton. It seems that selling your idea in the right way is highly important. He used to have just five minutes to inform high strung producers about those scripts that could be worth their time..
Nway I’m babbling now! As for lost in Space…there’s probably worse alright. I haven’t seen Troll..must check that out!I tried watching some of Gone in 60 Seconds last was painful.
