Re: Mutant Shorts filmmaking event for Midsummer fest.

about egomotion Forums Announcements Competitions, Festivals, Events Mutant Shorts filmmaking event for Midsummer fest. Re: Mutant Shorts filmmaking event for Midsummer fest.


what is the best way of seeing if there is enough people willing to go for it…?
As well as running [url:333asg08]http://www.mutantspace[/url:333asg08].ie im also a director of Arttrail and we’re doing a video weekend next weekend (23 – 25th) in a number of venues around town so I could use those venues for the MUTANT SHORTS [adventures in film making] – its a start – I could also talk to the lads in the Pav. As i know very little about film I can take on the role of getting venues…ill also be sending off PR this week to the Midsummer Festival so if anyone has a more cohesive way of writing aobut shorts please send it in to Gemma or me at If you send me an email with a gmail account we can stick you into our google doc (collaborative documents – very handy for this kind of thing)
thanks alot

