Reply To: Give us the details – remember spielberg may log on!

about egomotion Forums Skills Bank Actors Give us the details – remember spielberg may log on! Reply To: Give us the details – remember spielberg may log on!


Well, I’m Doreen and I’m 19 years old.


HEIGHT: 5ft, 4in.

HAIR: Blonde-brown.

EYES: Blue.

BUILD: Stocky, Roley-poley!

SKILLS: Can drive a car, play piano and guitar, paint, draw.

Mostly theatrical work.
Martin Luther King: The Musical(1999):Rosa Parks.
St. Als Idiots(2003): Mrs. Moriarity.
As You Like It(2004): Duke Frederick.

I can be e-mailed at,
or I can be texted at 087-1312200.