140 – Global Twitter Film Project
Filmmakers of the world (and Twitter) Unite.
140 filmmakers from around the world will join together on Twitter for a very unique film project, of global proportions.
Via Twitter we will converge from our respective cities around the world and await the signal. That signal will come from me. The filmmakers will commit to being by their computers, laptops, mobile phones at the designated time, whatever it may be, whether it be 2am, 3am, 11pm, 5pm, 8am… you get the idea!
When the signal is given we will all film at the same time and in the expedient spirit of Twitter we must only film 140 seconds. The same 140 seconds the world over.
This is about connection. Look at how the Internet connects us, how twitter presents a unique way to be a part of someone’s life as it happens. Connection.
So capture what connects you to your home. Whether it be landscapes, cityscapes, the wind in the trees, cars on the highway, a lover sleeping, or making tea, the smile of a child or laugh of a friend… whatever it may be. What is special about your home? What connects you to it? And can you capture that in 140 seconds?
The filmmakers then send the footage to me, uncut. I will cut it to a feature length visual dedication to our homes and the 140 seconds that connected us.
I will make each segment available online in its entirety at a later date. A world map will be displayed, so a user can click on your home and view you 140 seconds.
Everyone will be credited as Directors in their cities. If you feel up to the challenge then join Twitter today and follow me, frankwkelly and await updates.
Frank Kelly – Director – Drogheda – Ireland
Where are you from?
The filmmaker who have joined to date are:
Name – Location – Twitter handle
1. Frank Kelly – Drogheda, Ireland – frankwkelly
2. Elliot Kotek – LA, USA
3. Gustavo Ron – Madrid, Spain
4. Iulia Rugina – Bucharest, Romania – iulia_rugina
5. Santana Issar – Mumbai, India
6. Varda Hardy – LA, USA
7. Anna Christopher – LA USA
8. James Gross – Indianapolis, USA – 1stswashbuckler
9. Shannon Mullins – Indianapolis, USA – thirteenthman
10. Laura Kidd – London, UK – warriorgirl
11. Ryan Little & Adam Abel – Utah, USA
12. Luis Sosa – Mexico City, Mexico – luis_sosa
13. Chris Ford – Mill Valley, CA, USA – hotshave
14. Marc Havener – Lawrence, KS, USA – yohaves
15. Alice Brooks – Biddeford, Maine, USA – alicebrooks
16. Margaret Johnson – San Francisco, USA – maggiejca
17. Marina Blanco – Southern CA, USA
18. Jon Fitzgerald – Venice Beach, CA, USA
19. Lisa Gornick – Kentish Town, London, UK
20. Chris Billing – Washington DC, USA
21. Robert Sucato – Phoenix, Arizona, USA
22. Jill Carter – Toronto, Canada – jillcarter
23. Guy Shahar – NYC, USA – viteforguy
24. Michael Albanese – LA, USA – mivialarts
25: Rob Sorrenti – London, England – monsoon130
26: Oskar Thor Axelsson – Reykjavik, Iceland
27. Emily Best – Brooklyn, MYC, USA – emilybest
28. Trampas Thompson – Los Angeles, USA
29. Mairin DeBarra – Dublin, Ireland – mdebarra
30. Gavan Muprhy – Marino, Ireland – touchmeimhappy
31. Brent Gudgel – Pasedena, USA – brentgudgel
32. Markus Görgens– Berlin, Germany – schattenwandler
So that’s the shape of things so far. More filmmakers are joining daily, even as I type this emails are coming in!
I feel like I’ve started something special and it is already becoming bigger then me. I know it’s going to be something quite special for all involved. And even though it’s on a global scale, it’s going to be something personal and intimate for everyone involved and I think that will come across in the final piece as we endeavor to capture a few moments of our entire planet, connected in a single vision.