Re: Cork Music Scene Documentary

about egomotion Forums Announcements My Project Cork Music Scene Documentary Re: Cork Music Scene Documentary

Melting Pot

No answer from the bands I was talking to at the weekend about filming tomorrow. I’ll keep trying and send Iain, Paraic and Dan texts!

so to summarise…

Paraic: free tomorrow up until 6pm

Dan: Free after 6pm


Thursday – Paraic will probably pop into the gig in Spailpin Fanach to film a bit of Snowman (I cleared it with them and it’s ok – should have release forms back off them that night too.)

Sunday – interview in RedFm with Ashley.

i’ll get in touch with details as we roll….

PS If you are free Thursday then do call into the Spailpin from 8.30-11.30 it’s for the Belarus orphanage Project charity and only 5 bucks in.
