ifblogo07-fWANTED: Short Film Scripts for the SIGNATURES and REALITY BITES Schemes

The deadlines for the Irish Film Board’s flagship short film scheme SIGNATURES and the short documentary scheme REALITY BITES have been announced. Applications will now be accepted until Friday, July 17th for Signature applications while Reality Bites applications will be accepted until Friday, August 7th.

SIGNATURES is a short film scheme for the making of live-action, fiction films that act as a proving-ground for Irish creative talents which aims to encourage strong, original storytelling, visual flair, and production values appropriate to the big screen.

The first round of Signatures shorts premiered last year at the Cork Film Festival and included Rory Bresnihan’s The Man Inside which won The Best European Short Film at the European Independent Film Festival earlier this year.

The scheme is an opportunity for producers, directors and writers to work in a professional environment that will allow them to further their experience.

REALITY BITES aims to encourage experimentation and a fresh approach to short non-fiction filmmaking. We are looking for something new in the use of the documentary form, whether the projects are journalistic or creative, observational or aesthetic, objective or personal.

The successful short films will premiere at the Corona Cork Film Festival next year.
