New Script called The Things.

about egomotion Forums Announcements My Project New Script called The Things.

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    This is more of a sketch than a script and it’s only two pages long. It’s an odd little number. I’ve attached it to this post but it’s also in the writers section. It’s linked somewhat to all those American movies about suburban life and how it’s apparently perfect. In fact I was watching Edward Scissorhands before I wrote this <img loading=” title=”Smile” />
    So read at your will. I need actors so if anyone fancies themselves as Claude or Marjorie (the two main characters), please let me know. I’m hoping to make this in March/April. It shouldn’t take too long if all goes to plan.


    Hi Gemma, I like the script it’s interesting. I’d love to talk to you more about it. Can you send me on an email address and i’ll send you on a head shot & CV. Thanks! <img loading=” title=”Very Happy” />

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