My fav films of the decade.

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    Empire’s review of the decade inspired me to do my own top ten films of the decade.

    1. United 93 (2006)
    2. The Lord of the Rings (2001 – 2003)
    3. Amélie (2001)
    4. Wall-E (2008)
    5. Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)
    6. Lost in Translation (2004)
    7. The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
    8. In Bruges (2008)
    9. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
    10. Gladiator (2000)

    500 days of summer (2009), Let The Right One In (2009), UP (2009), The Dark Knight (2008), Juno (2008), Atonement (2007), Superbad (2007).


    1. No Country for old men
    2. Shaun of the dead
    3. Memento
    4. The Dark Knight
    5. Oldboy
    6. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    7. Kill Bill
    8. District 9
    9. Lord Of the Rings
    10. Wall E

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