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  • #1232

    Okay Inky you’ve got a deal.
    Would a three minuet comady short be okay or do you want something a bit longer.
    I’m think along the lines of a short sketch. Somethig a bit python or Little Briton perhaps.


    something short 2-3 minutes… something do-able too without too much production
    we’ve got 5 American GIs at our disposal with guns and a truck if that helps…but they have irish accents


    Sounds perfect. I writing something right now and will have it to you tomorrow.
    And it does envolve guns. Oh yeah and ther’es a dog in it to but only a small one.
    I’ll get a couple of even smaller pieces over to you over the next few days as well if that’s ok
    Real short. Sort of satirical adds. Haven’t worked out the detail of them yet, but they’ll come.


    One day shoot jobbie and I’ll be in for it
    (We need to road test our new camera )


    Okay Inky. I E-mailed that over to you. It might read a bit better if i sent it as an attachment
    but i couldn’t find an attachment button on the screen. E-mail me direct if you want it sent that way.

    Hope you like it. I’ve kept it pretty short.


    Im always looking for some shorts! no not that type of shorts!

    So stick em in an email or summit if you like.

    "I can’t believe he said Cool, that’s so 90’s like…."


    cheers hanman. ill read em there on my lunch break and get back to ya.


    Hi Dan
    I working on a short mock-u-mentary at the moment.
    "Deciphering the grunting language of the teenage boy"
    If you wnat i can it over to you in the next couple of days


    nice little scenario there, seems like part of a larger story though. if its well cast it could be great. keep em comin’.


    Yo Inky.
    Glad you liked the sketch i sent you. Just about everything i write has strong (or at least highly visable) characters.
    I like the different aspects of peoples personalities and how they interact. You are right when you say the piece i sent looks as if it might be the start of something bigger. It’s taken from an idea i’ve had running around in my head for a long time but never commited to paper. The origoinal idea has a lot more characters and i scaled it back. One of the reasons i’ve never got down to writing it is because i can’t decide whether to do it as a novel or a screen play.

    By the way i’m writing somethihg for Dan to look at, at the moment and i was wondering is there somewhere on the site i can post it so anyone interested can look at it. I’m still finding my way around the site but need to get to work.
    I’ll be in touch again before the end of the week.

    Good luck


    Hanman ,

    I’m going to split this section off into it’s own thread , as it’s becoming a conversation , and this thread is for listing really , no bad thing though , conversation is good .

    I’ll also add you to the writers group ( if it’s not already done ) and that way you’ll see where writers pop up early drafts for discussion amongst themselves.

    If you’re more intersted in letting everyone see some of your stuff, you are welcome to attach it to a post ( but maybe start a new thread for it current and upcoming projects perhaps )

    Anyways I’ll move the last few posts from here to there in the next couple of hours ,

    Cheers and delighted to have you along

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