Evening Echo does a piece on The Sign

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  • #1345

    Last week Tom Fitzpatrick one of the Entertainment Correspondents with d’Echo phoned me and interviewed me about ‘The Sign’ and stuff – he phoned me this morning to say that the article will be in tomorrow’s echo so if ye get a chance check it out!

    I gave the egomotion forum a plug and this is what Tom had to say; (direct quote from his email);

    "Hi Patrick,

    I couldn’t mention egomotion because I had to cut the article back a bit and I didn’t want to lose info about you because it’s a personal piece really.
    I love the site though [i:gpfrqp1a](the egomotion site)[/i:gpfrqp1a] and i’ll be checking it regularly. If there’s any events going on or rumoured in Cork I want to know about them and promote them and the site looks excellent from that point of view.
    I’ll try and get the name in there somewhere though.

    Thanks and keep in touch!

    So just trying me best to spread the egomotion word!


    nice one….

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