camera operator needed

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  • #2112

    hey guys
    it’s time for me to call in a favour! I’m on the board of directors for a charity called OvaCare – the ovarian cancer community. we have a patient day this Saturday March 31st 2012 in tne Raddison little island. We are looking for someone to record the talks by the specialists on the day. you’d be doing us a huge favour. As we’re a new charity, we are trying to keep costs down so it is not a paying gig (can’t believe i’ve just said that!) but you will be fed and watered!! if you want any more info please contact me on <img loading=” title=”Very Happy” />

    Avatar photoSeanBreathnach

    Hey Ruth,
    Best of luck with this. Unfortunately I’m not available this weekend, but I’ll let people know and ask them to get in touch with you. <img loading=” title=”Cool” />


    Saturdays is usually one of those days in the week when I’m free and looking for something to get my teeth into, bt of all saturdays, I’m tied up on another shoot, sorry ruth. <img loading=” title=”Sad” /> ill spread the word tho…


    hi ruth
    as i said to john f, i’m working that day too but would be happy to provide a camera and tripod for anyone able to use it, on the condition that they’d look after it :wink:


    Thanks for getting back, lads. Needless to say we got it sorted. Sorry for my delay in replying. I need to check in more often!! <img loading=” title=”Very Happy” />

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