Re: Moves to create a club


Good input Vad

1. We haven’t actively recruited to the website in about a year ( I know I can’t believe it either as membership has Doubled ) Obviously a good amount of members is a good thing but I don’t think it’s vital to have like 500 members before anything can be done. We start with those that are interested in starting and build from there.

2 Take the point that it’s quiet in here. I will say though that the original burst of online activity here translated well into actual offline partnerships and when people are busy working together they don’t tend to spend much time gabbing in Forums , ( I don’t know but I think we can check statistics for PM’s and hits as I’m fairly certain a lot of people post privately to each other and log in to see what’s happening while not posting up )

And finally as to being a club about making films with it’s members well we have a good history already ( 4 films screened in two years in the Cork film Festival , one of those in competition, and about 11 other shorts done for different competitions we’ve entered . There have also been other projects by members or involving members that we wouldn’t have been directly involved in but which have been successful.

Tomorrow we’ll be in the Crane Lane shooting the final scene in a Music video we’ve been doing for Val Hely ,Directed by Sean Breathnach, and we’ve called for members to come along and help out being the crowd , and it looks like there’ll be upwards of 30 people tomorrow there. So I think that tells you a little about the commitment that people show here . It’s great, and I’ve never failed in being amazed by how much people are willing to get behind a project and make it happen. Next week we begin shooting on "Pork Pies" a script of Dans . Inky is nearing the end of shooting for "Transition Year" Teatowel is about to get going on a few projects soon too and I ‘m looking forward to those.
I’m really looking forward to this years shooting , having spent a long time pulling things together I think we’re building good momentum now. Hence the decision to try and make it an official club , to go and get the funding and the resources to build it further and support projects with more than our experience and graft and add a little more to it all.
