Micro Budget Feature

about egomotion Forums Announcements My Project Micro Budget Feature

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  • #951

    This is a casting call for the Micro Budget Feature.

    The is an action/thriller/horror movie in the vein of Millenium (the tv series). The shooting will take place over the next few months. The successful applicants will recive a DVD copy.

    Given that this is a feature length movie, there are a large number roles and two parts that are specifically American. On last count there are 24 24 speaking parts so I’ll not bore you with each one. The main role requires a mid twenties woman preferably American.

    If interested, drop me an email at ronanquinaln@gmail.com



    good luck with this ambitious project, hope you all the success you can get,

    If there anything we can do to help just let us know. :grin:

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