Photography Software Seminar

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  • #1068

    The following are details on the upcoming Cork Photographic event presented by Guy Gowan.

    Guy Gowan is one of Europes top Adobe Trainers and is an approved Adobe and Apple Solutions expert.

    Unfortunately, I have to limit the numbers that can attend.Places are reserved for any of you that have already responded.

    If you wish to attend please reply as soon as you can.

    There is no charge for this event.

    Monday 22nd October 2007

    Apple Plant

    09:30 – 10:00 Registration

    10:00 – 11:15 Input, Edit & Export – Apple Aperture
    A comprehensive overview of Aperture and it’s unique features.
    The Aperture workflow options are essential to any user and
    here we will explain fully the options involved. We will also look
    at the amazing web and print publishing features that Aperture
    brings us as an integrated feature.

    11:45 – 13:00 Aperture & Photoshop integration
    Most photographers know photoshop, you will see in this session
    that Apple Aperture enhances the Photoshop experience not
    threatens it as some may suggest.

    14:00 – 15:15 Aperture and my Mac
    Making image presentations, movies and DVD’s is a part of
    life now. Using Apple Aperture and the new iLife and iWork
    you can create stunning multimedia assets, in this session we
    will show you how.

    15:45 – 17:00 Digital imaging fundamentals- Photoshop & Aperture
    There are many misconceptions regarding digital imaging and
    the retouching of images. This session will attempt to give you
    a better understanding of the theory behind image manipulation.
    Topics we will cover include:
    Advanced Contrast
    Controlled Colour Correction
    Non-Destructive automated Workflow

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